Thursday, March 26, 2015

Bump and the baby : To have or not a second child...

The last weekend was lovely, I was surrounded by my girls gang. Really there is nothing more relaxing than sipping your favorite coffee and spending time with  BFF's , while all of us were sharing our vacation plans , what activities our toddlers are indulging in, about our better halves and all girly stuff, all of  a sudden one of my girl friend Ritu , from the group broke the news of her expecting again. I was like REALLY ??? ( it's not that I was not happy for her... I was seriously) but she was the one who always sermonise about one child  you know like " chota parivar sukhi parivar" but here she was expecting again. She was delighted, over joyed and in high spirits. She was deliriously happy however at the same time she was in a dilemma whether she can take care of second child not just financially but also physically, emotionally and from all the facet's .
   Motherhood is beautiful its blissful. No other experience in life can be compared to the joy of holding your heart outside your body, the charm and beauty of being pregnant is supreme. But how many wants to go for it yet again. Once the first child grow up all the parents go through such confused state to have or not to have because deciding it is just not easy and decision is not only yours, you got to be ready in every way.

    Nurturing the child is not a cake walk, it require lot of patience and devotion. Once a mother is always a mother. All other relationship becomes secondary. Every day you have to go through sleepless nights, cerelac bites, changing diapers and burping cycle, your social circle and cuddly talks are never the same again. Ensuring that your toddler don't feel left out while you are busy nursing the little one and juggling between home, hubby, friends, relatives and now a new bundle of joy all this together feels like a never ending roller coaster ride.
   Whatever you decide deep down we all know that nothing stays forever neither those sleepless nights nor those cerelac bites. One fine day our little hearts will grow and we will love them more and more. So if you decide to go for it then we all know more the babies more smiles, more giggles and lot more adventure will be on way and if you decide to stick to one then shower all your love and care for your little soul.
  I don't know who said this but there really are places in the heart you don't know existed until you love a child.
   The joy of motherhood comes in moments.
   There will be hard times and frustrating times
Amid the challenges there are shining moment of 
                          Joy and satisfaction 
                                                      -ELDER M RUSSEL BALLARD.


Saturday, March 21, 2015

The buddy talk....

In the age of social networking where making friends and creating friendship is just a click away, i wonder how many of them are really real friends.
Anais nin has beautifully said that " each friend  represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born." i fully agree to it that a new world is born , a world of joy, sadness , anger , love and moments that create life.
I believe that right from the moment we become aware about our being we are blessed with these beautiful creatures called friends , when we were just too young to stand  on our feet, we were delightful in the company of that little friend of ours, the first time we went to school , the friends we made, made us forgot all our anxiety , shakes and shivers. It is that relationship which stay right beside us in every phase of our life, in every thick and thin.They are the lone witness to all our tear and fight , betrayal and debate, our darkest whims and fantasies after all they are the secret keepers and partners in all our crimes of madness (aren't they always around to cheer up after the daddy's remand, to finish those midnight assignments, to give that " hota hai wala" look after the break up, to give those shopping tips and cooking tricks, they are unquestionably there).

It's  because of those friends that i cherish the memories of the times gone wen we  were so crazy, the times we laughed so hard, our inside jokes that only we could understand, memories of hanging out together or teasing in the class or just dancing in the college fest.
I know life changes and we move on but my connection with them is time above.I know that wherever we are in our life, we will be friends even if we don't meet for ages we would start from where we left off.
     if you laugh really loud,talk spontaneously and don't care what your faces look like, you are probably with your real friends. 

Monday, March 16, 2015

Making Love Better....

With life getting really really busy, we often forget that our love life also needs a boost and attention. I am sure many of you might have taken new year's resolution something along the lines of shedding those extra pounds, quit  smoking, managing investments well and many more. ( OK I know I am little late in talking about resolutions but c'mon it's about love) , but guys any resolution for making relationship better, yes our relationship with our beloved ones. Do u remember the last time you have spend the quality time, forget it, do u even remember what brought you both together.
 By the way Wikipedia defines quality time "as the time that is set aside for paying full and undivided attention to the person or matter at hand". So people the point is undivided attention. These days our cars, bedroom become invaded by cellphones, iPads , laptop. Our relationship has lost the sight. With job, kids plus a topping of social networking circle we are loosing the "us" time. Let's make it clear guys grocery shopping, hanging out with friends on weekend is not quality time spend.
 Love is there and shall always be but it will be more if we remind each other in sweet little way. Believe me a simple hug, a simple touch , a simple compliment or a simple coffee will fill the day with little more love and will make life little more bright. Don't you think a promotion enhance our work quality and an appreciation makes our day,  why it has to be an occasion like birthday or marriage anniversary to make them feel special.

There is very popular belief about marriage that when doldrums hit and you find yourself more numb than really alive, you should look for the ways to get back what you once had. Remember the first time you met, the first kiss , the first dinner, the first anniversary, the very first reason of both of you being together, wasn't that feeling euphoric.....
So whatever we name it a spark, a zest or love we can always rekindle it in our own sweet little way

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

The chase for  Happiness....

Happiness I believe is the ultimate goal,the reason, the season. It's a choice and also by chance.
Last weekend while me and my husband were planning for summer break trip, hearing our conversation my four year old son all tumbling and giggling said ` Mumma I would be more happy  if you will buy play station for me, I would be much more happy with that rather than going to a trip abroad.
That very same afternoon I met a friend of mine who these days is busy with meeting prospective brides and also tired of meeting practically every so called eligible girl whose name came wandering by his parents ears, while moving to our so called serious talks he said he wants to marry someone who he would be HAPPY with.
I was mystified, floored up with their idea or state of being moves fast. There is so much going on each day one after the other that at times i feel we are merely breathing. My very loving husband truly feels that " happiness is a state of mind " what I have seen so far is happiness little depends on circumstances and more on choices.
I have met some happiest people in the poorest of places and also have met many wealthy people who are incredibly happy and few who are just not. We struggle , we burn ,we learn to get it , that little thing called happiness. 

Happiness is of course in all those things like buying a new car or a house or may be a promotion but it's much more in those little things.I guess instead of fighting, struggling over the things that don't go our way we should accept that worrying won't change things so why waste time spinning that wheel. Staying happy would be better anyway.

Happiness is when you and your bestie  get drenched in the rain and enjoy the comfort silence bring. Happiness is a call from a lost old friend. Happiness is certainly not in the office meeting but in the short coffee breaks. Happiness is buying new heels ( isn't girl's) happiness is a beautiful smile from your secret crush . happiness is a bike ride with your friend and loving and feeling the breeze.
Happiness is nothing but a state of mind.

        We wait 
                all week for fridays,
               all year for summers,
               Exams to get over,
              To get that damn promotion,
              To meet our date ,
             To buy that new car, that new house....
            All our life for somthings thats within us...
